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Benefits of Ejari

Benefits of Ejari

With Ejari, both parties to a lease exist equally, providing protection to owners, management companies, and tenants, and agreeing to the terms of each lease. Therefore, the solution also aims to establish clear payment terms to protect the interests of the parties paying rent in advance.

Once the registration process is complete, the rental receipt can be generated through the system. One of the main advantages of the Ejari services in Dubai are the consolidation and standardization of rental contracts, ease of use, and time savings in the production of documents and receipts necessary for rental contracts.

Access to official and updated information on all rental properties in Dubai.

A method to create a certified lease with a standard lease receipt.

The ability to protect the interests of owners and tenants by maintaining detailed information about the lease.

Has full ability to audit transactions in case of disputes.

  • What does the Ejari service include?

    • • Validation of the lease.
    • • Termination of the lease
    • • Issuance of a lease book to record land that is not in the Land Department system.
    • • Concession of all types of planning (land, solar, and building).
    • • Modify ownership data (individual owners, not companies)
    • • Issuance of a property title instead of the lost or damaged title.
    • • Real Estate Valuation Fund (only units such as apartments, offices, or commercial premises).
    • • Registration of Rental Dispute Cases (first instance or conciliation).
    • • Issuance of a certificate of ownership.
  • Tips to keep in mind regarding Ejari services in Dubai

    • • As with all government buildings in Dubai, please dress modestly.
    • • The rent can be in the name of a single tenant. In the case of a joint tenancy, the main tenant selects you to sign the contract.
    • • The contract must be typed, not handwritten.
    • • Make sure the owner’s signature appears on the ID and matches the signature on the lease. If it does not match, ask them to re-sign the contract based on who they are.
    • • Most leases are subject to the formal rental form found here. There is not enough space to add all of the exact terms required for a full lease, so additional terms may be attached as appendices.
    • • Make sure all pages of the extension are properly signed and dated.
    • • If the owner is not available to check in person, scans may be accepted; however, scans and prints must be of high quality.
    • • Make sure the title to the property on the deed matches the contract.
    • • If the lease is a renewal, make sure there is no gap or overlap between the end date of the old lease and the start date of the new lease.
    • • Make sure the DEWA website number is included in the contract. In the case of apartments, the room number may be written outside the front door, usually on the frame. In the case of villas, they are usually located somewhere in front of the building, next to the garage.
    • • Make sure your credentials do not expire, even for a month.
    • • Make sure the internet is enabled on your phone in case you need to send documents.

    There are many more things you should know about Ejari services in Dubai. However, with our guidance, you can get through this process safely.